2. Rosedale Dash, a Pokémon Go-like AR game to find virtual coins and shopping bags around the mall in order to earn real prizes.

General promotion of the Rosedale Center app was primarily through 3x6' banners displayed throughout the mall.

Banners were displayed throughout the mall with two different messages: one with the general idea behind the SnapShop feature, and another specifically targeted to parents and teenagers doing back-to-school shopping.

Large floor decal displaying SnapShop advertisement.

Digital directory advertisement for SnapShop specifically targeted to parents and teenagers doing
back-to-school shopping.

Sticker on bathroom mirror advertising SnapShop.

Rosedale Center's official Instagram story featuring
the SnapShop tagline.

One of the two main advertising mediums for the Rosedale Dash feature of the app was with 3x6' banners displayed throughout the mall.

Floor decals were displayed throughout the mall. These decals promoted app users to play, to redeem prizes, and to look around for possible virtual collectibles.