Associated copy: "Did you know? Our school district is in the bottom 10 percent of all Minnesota school districts for general education funding, and we are one of the only school districts in the area without a voter-approved operating levy. Let's change that by voting YES to approve the levy on November 5!"

Associated copy: "#dontstressvoteyes for the Levy for Learning on November 5!"

Associated copy: "District 206 leadership will be leading another community informational meeting and answering all your questions. They will be presenting at noon tomorrow at the Sertoma club meeting at the Broadway Ballroom. Hope to see you there!"

Associated copy: "The district levy is the *only* thing on the ballot this year, so it's especially important that everyone gets out and votes. It only takes a few minutes to show your support for your community!"

Associated copy: "Show your support by sharing this on your timeline! Voting YES will give our schools the support they need to continue to provide top-notch education to our students. Learn more at voteyesalex.com!"

Associated copy: "Hey early voters – snap and share a picture with your "I Voted" sticker to show your support for our schools and communities!"

Associated copy: "State education funding hasn't met increasing costs or inflation rates since 2004. Had it done so, our district would have received almost $3 million more just last year. This gap is expected to increase, and it isn't sustainable. Our proposed levy can help fill the gap – but only if you get out and VOTE YES on November 5!"

Associated copy: "November 5 is this Tuesday. Remember to vote YES!"

Associated copy: "@Shawn and @Christine Reilly know the importance of attracting new families to the area. Healthy, well-funded schools are the number one reason that these families move to Alexandria over neighboring districts. To continue to grow our community, it's essential that we can continue to offer a quality education for all our students!"

Associated copy: "Science at every level of education is crucial to getting students interested in STEM-related careers. We can make sure our kids continue to have the resources they need by voting YES on November 5!"

Associated copy: "For all these reasons and more, show your support by voting YES to the Alexandria Public Schools operating levy this November 5."

Associated copy: "We did it! The levy has been passed with a 59.62% vote for YES! Thank you to everyone who supported the levy, our children, and our schools."